During the morning session of the fifth day of the Overflow convention, Pastor Timothy Joseph delivered a powerful message on “How to Partake of Overflowing Wealth.” He emphasized the importance of positioning oneself to receive abundant blessings and prosperity.
- Serving God and the interest of the kingdom with your financial resources: Pastor Timothy referred to Luke 16:11, which states, “If God cannot trust you, he cannot entrust you.” This highlights the significance of being faithful in managing our finances and using them to further God’s kingdom. By prioritizing God’s work and investing in His purposes, we demonstrate our trustworthiness and open ourselves up to receive overflowing wealth.
- Engaging in covenant practices: The preacher emphasized the importance of entering into covenant with God. Psalm 50:5 states, “Gather to me my faithful ones, who made a covenant with me by sacrifice.” By making a covenant with God, we commit ourselves to His principles and align our lives with His will. This includes being faithful in our financial stewardship and honoring God with our resources.
- Giving to parents for blessings: Pastor Timothy referenced Genesis 48:15-16, where Jacob blessed Joseph’s sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. Jacob acknowledged that God had been his shepherd and had provided for him throughout his life. In recognition of God’s faithfulness, Jacob blessed Joseph’s children. This teaches us the importance of honoring our parents, both biological and spiritual, and sowing into their lives as an act of obedience and gratitude.
- Giving to the poor: The preacher emphasized the significance of generosity towards those in need. Proverbs 19:17 states, “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.” By giving to the poor, we demonstrate compassion and fulfill our responsibility to care for the less fortunate. This act of kindness opens the door for God’s blessings and overflow in our lives.
- Giving to the kingdom of God for kingdom advancement: Pastor Timothy referenced 1 Samuel 24:24, which states, “Every giving without pain is not sacrifice.” He emphasized the importance of sacrificial giving to advance God’s kingdom. When we give to support the work of God, whether through tithes, offerings, or contributions to ministries, we demonstrate our commitment to God’s purposes and invite His overflowing blessings into our lives.
In summary, to position oneself for overflowing wealth, it is essential to serve God and the interest of His kingdom with our financial resources. Engaging in covenant practices, giving to parents for blessings, giving to the poor, and giving to the kingdom of God for kingdom advancement are all vital steps in aligning ourselves with God’s principles of provision and abundance. By faithfully practicing these principles, we open ourselves up to experience the overflowing wealth that God desires to pour into our lives.